Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Both Jake and Grace have reached some notable milestones this past week. I think it is safe to say that Jake is now potty trained...YEAH! I finally decided to stop confusing him and just keep him in underwear all the time. He had a few accidents, but he learned from them and quickly started letting us know when he had to use the potty. He is even staying dry during naps and at night. We're so proud of him!

Grace is now able to reach out and grab toys. She is also doing better at "pushing up", but she still doesn't think it's much fun.


Ross & Tricia McLain said...

Yeah Jake & Grace!!! Big milestones this week!

Love the picture of Jake by his potty. So fun!

Duncan Family said...

I'm not looking forward to that next milestone with Vera...

The Steward Family said...

Good job Jake and Grace! Braden has mastered grabbing his toys, now he needs to have a conference with Jake about the whole potty training thing. Hopefully, we won't be far behind.
