Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Playdate with High School Friends

Nadia came into town and had a playdate for our high school girlfriends and babies. It was fun to see everyone! Check out some pictures Nadia took. Here's a picture of me with Charlie, Nadia's new little man. Isn't he adorable!?


Epperson Family said...

You look beautiful, I hope I looked as good as you pregnant. That stinks you missed the reunion we'll have another in 5 yrs. and hopefully we will all be done having babies.. I want pics asap when Emma or Grace is born. Good luck with everything I will say a prayer for you!!

Unknown said...

Hey Sara,
I was on Nadia's blog and I saw the pics of your get-together and I had to stop and say HI!. I looks like now you got your hands full with a new little bundle of joy. You and your family look beautiful! Congrats on the new little one! She gorgeous!
We have a blog too if you want to check it out. it's
Lots of love and it's great to see you!