Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Baby and House Update

Baby: I know a lot of you were eager to find out tomorrow what we are having (as are we!), but unfortunately I had to reschedule the Ultrasound for next week because Mike wasn't going to be able to make it to my appointment this week. So, we'll find out now on March 27 so long as the baby is cooperative. I hate waiting, but I guess it is just 1 more week. I'll post as soon as we know!!! Other than that, I can just say our baby is very active. I feel little movements really often and I am now sporting a definite baby bump. I'll have to get Mike to take a picture of it to show you all. :-)

House: We sold our house! The closing will be May 9th. The buyer has asked for us to extend our back deck and patio below 10' as well as some additional items so we'll be really busy with all that work on top of packing. We are not sure where we will move next - it is a tough decision. We also need to figure out where to live temporarily while we build. A lot of change is in store for us for the next 6-8 months!!!


Duncan Family said...

congrats. i know you guys really wanted to sell the house! Good luck with the move and deciding where to stay...
remember to not overdo it!!!

Anonymous said...

your family is beautiful, i saw your blog off of nadia's site. congratulations on the new arrival, check out www.xanga.com/bboysandbrylie to see our clan--Leah Green

The Aliaga Family said...

Congratulations!! That is very exciting news. Darn Mike though...we want to know if Jacob's going to have a baby brother or sister!!!